Trauma Sensitive Equine Assisted Mindfulness (TS-EAM) – Interview


Katarina is interviewed by Annamária Jánosi, a psychologist in Hungary, working with equine assisted interventions:

1. Katarina, you have been working with trauma and equine assisted interventions for over 10 years.

As I know you founded the MiMer Centre, an equine human education and research centre, in 2013.

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Equine Assisted Mindfulness (EAM) for the Rehabilitation of Cancer Patients - Research Update


MiMer centre receives fundings from the Ann Kern Godal’s Memorial Fund for Horse Assisted Therapy to set up a study group and lead a research project to test the efficacy of Equine Assisted Mindfulness (EAM) for the rehabilitation of cancer patients

Being diagnosed with cancer and embark in the treatment process is a traumatic experience, and it is common for patients with cancer to experience distress.

Research studies have shown that mindfulness-based stress management interventions, such as the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme, can significantly improve the quality of life of cancer patients.

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mindfulness with horses

Being mindful is being open to any experience, any moment – staying in them, but not disappearing into them. You pause and: You look at youYou listen to youYou notice your feelingsYou notice your breathYou notice your thoughtsYou notice your body You give yourself that safe space of holding yourself and whatever goes on with you without judging, drawing conclusions, analyzing, valuing, censoring – any of it. You stay with the experience, without holding on to it – you let it pass, leave and stay open to the next moment that is arriving. You are in you – at the same time as you are observing yo...

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